CP7 Gas Testing

CP7 & CP47 gas equipment saftey inspections

It is a legal requirement to ensure that gas equipment used in the workplace is in a safe condition, well maintained and inspected regularly where required. As an employer or person of responsibility, it is vital that you understand the obligations you have and how to comply with them.

To help you achieve this, our trained inspectors can carry out rigorous checks on your gas equipment and supply a report of Thorough Examination, which provides written evidence that you are proactively following H&SE requirements, and a certificate will be issued when equipment is compliant.

Our CP/CP47 inspections are all conducted by BTEC trained and qualified inspectors, and include:

– An equipment inspection to help meet legal requirements and industry code of practice
– A full report on equipment condition plus certificate of inspection
– A dynamic risk assesment of your working area
– A visual and function check of regulators, flashback arrestors, hoses and blowpipes
– Advice on the handling, storage and transport of gas cylinders and equipment